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Girls Status In English
Every girls dream = To eat without getting fat.
Ex Means: Thanks for the (EX)perience.
Our time has (Expired),
Now please (Ex)it my life.
Dreaming impossible things is my stuff. After all dreams come true.
You treated me like an OPTION,
so I left you like a CHOICE ♡
I’m the girl with big dreams on my way of becoming a woman with a vision.
I Speak what I Feel and What I mean…
A baby girl should live like a Butterfly… Pretty to see but difficult to catch.
A female can be your best friend and worst enemy It all depends on how you treat her.
Attitude Status For Girls In English
Sweet As Sugar, Hard As Ice.
Hurt Me Once, I’ll Kill You Twice.

Creative Attitude Is The Fuel Of Progress And Growth
Look like a Chocolate.. Attitude like a Mafia…
Don’t have an Attitude Problem.. I have a personality You can’t handle.
Beauty is Only skin deep But The Attitude is to the bone.
Don’t Get My Personality And My Attitude Twisted, Because My Personality Is ME, And My Attitude Depends On You!
-Girls Status In English
Attitude Quotes For Girls In English
Learn the rule like a Pro, so that you can break it like an Artist.
I’m a princess without a Prince. My father is the King!!!
I Don’t Have A Short Temper… I Just Have A Quick Reaction To Wrong Actions…!!
If speaking my mind makes me a #bitch then I will gonna be the biggest bitch u have ever meet
I consider myself a crayon.. I may not be your favourite colour; but one day you’ll need me to complete your picture..
Don’t Show Me Your Attitude
As You Can’t Handle Mine.
Status For Girls In English
Always be a first-copy version of yourself, instead of a second-copy version of somebody else.
A Smile is the best makeup any girl can wear!
Exams Are like Girl Friends-To many questions-Difficult to understand-More explanation needed-Result is Always Fail.
How can you love someone if you are scared of getting hurt again, and your heart already belongs to someone else.
When he is not yours, you’ll do everything you can to get his. But when you do have his, you take everything for granted.
Girls are beautiful souls with the power to creates hell.
On average, women say 7,000 words per day while men manage just over 2,000 words.
Who even need boys around when we’ve got best girlfriends around…
Love is easy but queen is busy..
I.m cool but
global warming made me HOT
-Girls Status In English
I have both demons and angels residing inside of me. Which do you prefer?
Six inches gap between Blouse and Saree is CULTURE. But, the One-inch gap between Top and Jeans is BESHARMI
-Unique Status For Girls
Girls are like police. Even when they get a hold of all the evidence, they still want to hear the truth from you.
Every girl wants a bad boy, so he can be good only for her. While every boy wants a good girl to be bad only for him.
Marriage is like insurance. You pay, pay, and pay, but never get anything back
Girls are too shy to be the first to start it, so take your chance!
I’m not in search of perfect love. In fact, I create perfect love.
So you’re checking my status… ????
If a girl adds you to her WhatsApp then it’s a modern sign of trust.
You are as useless as “ueue” in a “queue”
Flying is quiet a good thing. But make sure you use your own pair of wings
Installing Love… 47%… Installation failed! Error 404: install cash first.
It’s better to be alone and be happy than to be with someone and be unhappy
Attitude is the reward for dealing with stupid people for several years.
Happiness is what happens
when you do what your heart wants to.
-Girls Status In English
Killer Attitude Quotes For Girls In English
Some people say “Never forget me..
Some people say
“Remember me always..
But I love my attitude..
So I Say..
“Forget me if u can..”
-Royal Attitude Status In English For Girl
The reason I’m beautiful is simply that God makes no mistakes.
If your ego speaks with me,
than my attitude replies you..
I m beautifully broken ..perfectly imperfect… beautiful in my flaws… altogether I m a beautiful disaster
-Beautiful Girl Status In English
Be a Girl With Mind,
A Bitch With An Attitude,
And A Lady With Class
-Girls Status In English
Read More : WhatsApp Status In Hindi
He thinks he is a player. Unfortunately, he didn’t know I was the coach so I decided to put him on the bench!
My personality is who I am
and my Attitude depends on who you are!
I’m a girl and that’s the reason I can be complicated without explanations.
If you cannot attract them with your charms, just repel them with your attitude.
Single Girl Status In English
Do not search for a man that will solve all your problems,
he would not. Find one that would not let you face them alone.
GIRLs gets what they can… but WOMEN gets what they want.
I may not be the girl you want. But I’m surely not the one that you have.
Keep calm n be….BEAUTIFUL..♥
No matter what a woman looks like,
if she is confident, she is sexy.
I Am Not Lazy, I Am Just On My Energy Saving Mode.
Don’t be a girl that always needs a guy… Instead, be the girl that every guy needs.
Commonest lies for girls: Nothing I’m fine. Commonest lies for guys: I love you.
Just like the diamond be rare and precious. Not like a stone that can be picked up from all corners.
Girls Attitude Quotes In English
Not Available for BUSY people….!!!!
Be like a sun, keep on shining, And let the world burns..
Hate me or Love me, your approval is neither required or desired.
Smart Girl Status In English
You will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just like me.
God is really creative …I mean just look at me.
A girl should never think of what people think of her as long as she is happy with herself.
Your greatest accessory as a girl should be CONFIDENCE
Be a lady with class.. a girl with nature and a bitch with attitude…
Not everyone likes me but not everyone matters.
Look pretty. Be educated. Dress neatly and Make Money
Don’t try to judge me by my appearance,
I can be a silent as a grave and can be as loud as a storm.
Don’t call me heartless – I was only stronger than you thought I was.
If a girl tells you to leave her alone and you actually do then you have absolutely no brain cells.
A positive attitude gives you power
over your circumstances instead
of your circumstances having power over you.
-Girls Status In English
If you don’t want your heart to be easily broken, don’t let yourself be easily taken.
Sitting alone and enjoying your own company
is better than being surrounded by fake people..
Just because I don’t start the conversation, doesn’t mean I’m not dying to speak to you.
I may not be the best, but I know that I am not like the rest…
The most beautiful souls are usually trapped in the most broken-hearted girls.
We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.
Believes that girls can do anything guys can do. But we can do it wearing high-heels. Beat that boys!!
I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone’s had.
-Girls Status In English
I’m the girl you can only dream of and never get!

If you treat me like a queen, I’ll treat you like a king. If you treat me like a game, I’ll show you exactly how it’s played.
True beauty don’t ask for attention.
I am better than your ex, and I am cooler than your next 😎.
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