Dussehra 2020-
Like the victory of the good of Lord Rama over the evils of demon Ravana, may you be blessed with the strength to defeat all your evils and prosper happily in your life. A very happy Vijayadashami and Dussehra to you!
Just like the lights and colours of the festival, may your life be filled with joy and prosperity. Happy Vijayadashami and Dussehra to you!
Enjoy the victory of good over the evil. May you have a fun-filled and blissful Dussehra 2020.
Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil. May all the evil around you vanish by the virtue of the goodness in and around you. Happy Dussehra 2020!
May this Dussehra all your worries, problems and obstacles get burned with the effigy of Ravana. Have a happy Dussehra 2020!
Every day the sun rises to give us a message that darkness will not always stay forever. It will be beaten by light. Let us follow the same rule and enjoy the festival of ‘good defeats evil’.
May you get the energy to vanish all the evils in your life with the virtue of the goodness in and around you! Wish you a very Happy Vijayadashami 2020!
May Lord Ram always keep showering his blessings upon you. May your life be prosperous and trouble-free throughout.
Happy Dussehra to all of you! Hope this festive season brings lots of joy in your life. Happy Dussehra 2020
Every Dussehra we learn a message that light always prevails. Let us follow this rule and enjoy this festival. Best wishes to you and your family.
Let us create a new life by conquering five eternal evils – Kaam, Lobh, Krodh, Moh, Ahankar. Happy Dussehra!
Like the effigies of Ravana, may your problems also burn away. Wish you a victorious Dussehra!

Dussehra signifies the victory of good over evil. May all the evils in and around you and your loved ones vanish by the virtue of goodness. Wishing you a very happy Dussehra 2020!
Let’s start a new life by conquering over our eternal enemies. Let’s take an oath to give a dimension to our life on this auspicious festival. Wishing you a very happy Dussehra!
Just like Ravana, may all your worries burn down only to be replaced with happiness and success. Wishing you a very prosperous Dussehra!

A time for celebration, A time for victory of good over bad, A time when the world sees an example of the power of good. Let us continue the same ‘true’ spirit. Happy Dussehra 2020.
Sending my choicest wishes to you and your family on Dussehra. May you always walk on the right path like Lord Rama. Wish you a Happy Dussehra, stay blessed!
May your path of success always be lit up, and hope you achieve victory in each and every phase of life. Wish you a Happy Dussehra!
As Shri Ram kills Ravana,
And comes back to the people he loves,
As Maa Durga kills Mahish-asura,
And prepares 2 go back 2 her heavenly abode
May these good-over-evil stories,
Inspire you towards your own victories.
Wish You a Very Happy Dussehra!
Happy Dusshera to Everyone!
Dusshera will always be a special holiday for everyone.
We celebrate it with hilarity and cheer,
Just how we love this day and how it is special for us,
We wish you to have the same joy and glee.
Happy Dussehra 2020
More Dussehra Greetings: Dussehra Greetings Hindi
With the Flame of the Candlelight
Your life gets filled with happiness,
As the mountain become higher
You are able to move without any shy,
As the sun shines in the Morning
The Flory fills your years with fragrance,
Darkness is very far
As you gets closer to the Light.
We wish the same for you on this Day!
Happy Vijaya Dashami!
Real Meaning of Dusshera:
D- Devil in
U- Your Life by Giving You
S- Sparkling and
S- Splendid
H- Happiness because of the
E- Energy of being
R- Riches and
A- Abundance!
Happy Dusshera 2020 to everyone!
Dusshera is all about the Victory of Good over Evil. May you get the power to fight from evil energy and replace it with the goodness in you! Keep Wishing for the best and Lord Rama Will provide you one day. Happy Dusshera 2020!
Rupam dehi, jayam dehi, yasho dehi, dviso jahi! May ‘Maa Durga’ grant you with inner Beauty, Victory from your bads, Glory to your name and may she destroy your Enemies. On the occasion of victory of Good over Evil, I wish you and your family a very Vijayadashmi and Dussehra!
With the victory of Good and defeat of Evil, may your life shine with prosperity and happiness. Happy Vijayadashmi and Dussehra to you!
Like Shri Ram kills Ravana, And restores the faith of his people, May his victory Inspire you towards your own victories and greatness. Have an auspicious, inspiring and prosperous pooja this year. Happy Dussehra 2020!
On the satisfied occasion of Dussehra, I pray that Lord Ram fills your existence with a lot of happiness, prosperity and success. chuffed Dussehra to you and your household!”
On this auspicious day of Dussehra, My greetings to you and your household.”Happiness and betterment in any respect tiers, For nowadays and all time to return, Success on the end of all of your activities, within the most honest manner. Happy Dussehra 2020
Day 4 victory of Ram over Ravana.
When in Satya Yug, Ram killed da great demon and king of Lanka, Ravana.
Let’s celebrate together and believe in the blessings of God for good.
Happy Dussehra 2020
May this Dasara,
light up for you.
The hopes of Happy times,
And dreams for a year full of smiles!
Wish you Happy Dasara.
Celebrate the Victory of the
the force of Good over Evil.
Let’s Celebrate an Auspicious Day
to begin new things in life …
Happy Dussehra!!!
Bhagwan Ram Demolished the evil empire and sowed the seed of peace. Best wishes on Dussehra to all of my near and dear once.
May this Dussehra get all your worries and obstacles in the path of success burned with the effigy of Ravana! May you have a happy and blessed Dussehra!
Every day we see the sun rise to give us a message that darkness will always be beaten by light- that is the power of good over evil. Let us all follow the same and enjoy the festival of good defeating evil. May you have a happy and auspicious Dussehra!
On this auspicious occasion of Dussehra, I wish that Lord Ram fills your life with lots of happiness, success and prosperity. Happy Dussehra to you and your family!

On this special and auspicious day of Dussehra, as we all celebrate valour and courage, the triumph of good over evil. I wish you success and happiness in everything you do. Happy Dussehra 2020!
As the candlelight flame, may your life always be joyous, as the mountain high move without being shy, As sunshine creates morning glory fragrance fills the year, all darkness is distanced as light is on its way. Wishing you all a very happy and blessed Vijaya Dashami.
May this Dussehra light up for you and your family. The hopes of happy times and dreams for a year full of smiles! Wishing you a very happy and auspicious Dussehra!
On this auspicious occasion, I wish the colour, bliss and beauty of Dussehra be with you and your loved ones throughout the year! Wishing you a very happy Dussehra 2020!
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