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Sorry Status
I am sorry for hurting your feeling, I take back my words, I will hope you forgive me.
I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, I hurt people. But when I say sorry I mean it.
I wish that I could go back in time and fix what happened. But since I can’t, I just want you to know that I am truly sorry.
I have a habit of saying sorry because sometimes I say sorry too while I shouldn’t.
Please forgive my foolish, insensitive words and actions and allow me the chance to change and grow into the kind of man you truly deserve.
You’re not sorry, for anything. But I am. I guess that’s what makes us two VERY different people…
Sorry Status For BF
I’m sorry I can’t be that perfect girl you’ve always dreamed of. But I don’t know why I’m apologizing. It’s your loss, not mine.
I’m so sorry honey!
I know I have not been the girlfriend that you deserve but I promise you that I’ll never stop trying. I’m sorry baby, please forgive me.
I’m not perfect but I’ll always be here loving you and holding your arms because you’re all that matters to me. I am sorry.
I am sorry for letting my silly pride get in the way of our relationship. The last thing I want to do is make you unhappy.
Best Sorry Status
I have learned that sometimes SORRY is not enough. You actually have to change yourself.

I really hate saying sorry. But when I do, I honestly do mean it.
Please forgive me for the insensitivity I showed to you and allow me a chance to prove that I’ve changed.
The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most!
Just saying sorry is not enough, we need to accept our fault and take quick action to fix the issue for what we are sorry..
Just saying sorry gives no permission to continue hurting the feelings of the people.

Don’t say sorry for something you are planning on repeating later.
Sorry means nothing without the actions to back it up.
The best apology is to changed behaviour.
Chocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words.
Saying sorry doesn’t mean there isn’t guilt and forgiving doesn’t mean the pain is gone.
An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything.
Sorry Status For Love
I will wait for your forgiveness till death if you don’t forgive me now.

I was wondering if it would be okay to tell you that being together with you forever is what I always wanted.
Please don’t stop talking to me I really care for you. I am sorry for what I did.
I know I was wrong, I’m sorry that I hurt you.
I cannot move on without you. I am so sorry for all I’ve done. Please forgive me, my love.
Never lose yourself while trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you…
–Sorry Status
Before I even ask for forgiveness, I want you to hug me and place your hand on my heart so that you can feel it beating for you. You will hear the words ‘I Am Sorry’ with every beat.
Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is saying ‘I love you’ with a wounded heart in one hand and your smothered pride in the other.
More Status: Status In English
Sorry Status English
Sometimes I get tired by apologizing for the acts I didn’t do.
Angry is ugly, forgiveness is awesom. Forgive me, please?
It takes courage to accept our own faults and say sorry, only a strong person can do this.
Sorry about last night texts. My phone was drunk.
I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
-Sorry Status
In some families, please is described as the magic word. In our house, however, it was sorry.
I know what I did to lose you.. and I’m SO sorry. I didn’t mean it… I was blinded…Blinded by my anger please forgive me.
I’m sorry I got angry and said a lot of things I meant but shouldn’t have said.
Sorry Love Status
I just wanted to say I’m really sorry and I miss you a lot.
And I felt sorry, and I have felt bad about what happened.
There’s nothing I want more than to see you happy again. I am so sorry for causing you to feel hurt. Will you please forgive me?
Love forgives and keeps no records of wrongs.
My prince, I’m willing to wait forever for your forgiveness! You’re the one in my heart. Kisses.
Right now, I feel bad because I made you so unbelievably sad. Tears of sorrow cross my face as I wish that I could take your place. Forgive me, my love.
Sorry” would be the one word you’d dislike to hear from me. Please forgive me and let us start everything new. Together, we are the perfect two.
I know what I did to lose you.. and I’m SO sorry. I didn’t mean it… I was blinded…Blinded by my anger please forgive me.
I’m repenting for my mistakes and crying out in pain. But if you don’t forgive me, everything will be in vain. I’m sorry.
Sometimes just a sorry statement fails to fix the issues but it needs changes in behaviour along with a sorry statement.
Sorry To Best Friend Status
Our friendship’s value is such, that without it my life’s value would be worthless. I’m sorry.
I don’t care whether you forgive me or not. You will forever be the friend who I love a lot. I’m sorry.
I made a mistake because I’m only human. But I expect you to forgive me because I know that you’re so kind-hearted. I’m sorry.
I am Sorry Status
People make mistakes Even the people we love.
Sometimes just a sorry statement fails to fix the issues but it needs changes in behaviour along with a sorry statement.
I miss you so bad. It was my mistake to hurt you that way and I am really sorry. Forgive me love, and I’ll show you how much I care.
I am sorry! I am unable to understand what you are talking about.
I’m sorry for blaming you… for everything I just couldn’t do. And I’ve hurt myself by hurting you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to hear your voice again. Sometimes, I want to call you, but I know you won’t be there. It’s hard to say goodbye when I.
I am sorry for arguing with you. It’s just that I want the best of things to happen in your life. Please forgive me, baby.
I’m sorry ” means nothing if you continue to do the same wrong over and over again.
Sorry Status For GF
I feel like the worst person in the whole world. I’m truly sorry for shouting at you, and I promise I’ll never do it again. Forgive me, babe.
Right now, I feel bad because I made you so unbelievably sad. Tears of sorrow cross my face as I wish that I could take your place. Forgive me, my love.
Do you know what I miss the most? Talking with you and sharing my world with you. I miss you and I’m sorry.
Honestly, my life is incomplete without your love. I’m sorry for that fight and misunderstanding. I promise to be true to you forever. I love you!
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